Why all the science fiction in your reading list?

Science fiction (technically, only hard science fiction) is my way of relaxing.  I read and work more hours than just about anyone I've ever heard of.  I spend all day reading.  On the rare occasions when I'm not reading tech, research, articles or posts I want to read something 'fun'.

I get a lot out of science fiction too.  It helps me to keep my vision from becoming too focused on the 'now'.  I'm a dreamer and idealist, I see a lot of potential in the human race.  The vast majority of us dream and want to enjoy life and one another.  It is only the minority that seem to cause so much pain and suffering.

It is my belief that proper management can take us to places written of in these books.  Sure, we may not have force fields or hyperdrive, but we can have a functional society and walk on distant worlds.

Those of you who also read science may tend towards the same pessimism I see all the time in research.  I don't believe it for a second.  Emergent gravity theory, QEM infinite-universe theory, Alcubierre metrics... there are a lot of things we still don't fully understand and a lot of promise in the fundamental research potentials.

We might just overcome relativity and, even if we don't, we might overcome the challenges inherent in sublight generational or hybernation flight.  None of us can know for sure, or even enough to put others down.  Even if we are locked into this one solar system, there is a lot to explore here and our future depends on our diversity.

So yes, I spend my leisure time reading science fiction and I don't feel the slightest bit bad about it.


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