We should, all of us should, review more books...


I read a lot.  I read so much that I often forget what a book is about until I read the dust jacket or publisher's blurb or excerpt before I can remember reading the book.

Of course, that doesn't mean the knowledge or what was said in the book has been forgotten, merely that it has become part of my brain that isn't directly associated with the act of reading the book any longer.

That's why I'm always happy when I can find one of my old reviews.  It reminds me of what I thought at the time when I read the book.  My impressions and feelings about the subject(s) of the story or person or whatever the book is about when it was still fresh.

Sometimes it reminds me of how much I've changed or my ideas or opinions have changed over the years.  Sometimes it reminds me that I really need to go back and read more or search for a sequel.  Invariably, however, it is a priceless reminder of how our minds are always changing and it helps me to keep a finger on the pulse of who I am over time.


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