Review: Out of the Silent Planet

Out of the Silent Planet Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So, when I read this book (late 90s...) I was still religious (Agnostic-Atheist now). Here was my review from 2005ish

"I started reading Out of the Silent Planet a very long time ago and for some reason never finished it. My wife has always been a big fan of C. S. Lewis's works and I have always enjoyed J. R. R. Tolkien so it made sense for me to explore the works of Lewis.

This series started off a bit slow in Out of the Silent Planet. I can't say I see a whole lot in Lewis's view of ET life, but the story was written according to the best science known at the time. The real value of these works is in exploring Christian literalness. The books offer a refreshing variance from traditional Christian works."

Now that I'm older and I've read more of Lewis' books, I have to say it's kind-of neat to take a less serious look back at christian mythology (by which I mean the additional stuff appended to the religion by the church) through the speculative kaleidoscope used by Lewis.

Knowing that he was in a literary group with Tolkien (The Inklings), that he was an academic and that we was interested in alternative interpretations of the ideas in the bible this really takes even the hard-line atheists on an informative and insightful tour of the rich mythology surrounding the Christian faith.

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